Un-Digg’d Stories

By now you’ve all heard Digg.

I’ve Digg’d a fair amount of stories. I’m used to visiting it daily along with a bunch of other blogs…

Too bad it’s time it was punted from my reader.

I get annoyed with blogs from time to time… you know, when a story breaks on one blog – like the E3 Is Dead story that was complete bunk – and it gets reposted a dozen times with no new content. I mean, sure, I re-blog some information from time to time. I quote a segment, include a link and then post my opinion about the original content. That’s not too bad, in my opinion – at least it’s not the same original content being rehashed over and over and over and over again.

Digg, when it started, wasn’t so bad. Then it got popular. Then it got uber. Now they’ve jumped the shark.

Everyday I open FeedDemon and it updates the blogs that I subscribe to. Every single time I open it now, Digg has 40 new posts. Within those 40 posts there’s usually 7-13 duplicates. Within the same feed! The same story repeated in the same feed – I’ve seen as many as 13 dupes in there! If you let it go more than a couple of hours, there’s another 40 new items. That means that if I check it in the morning and at night, I’m only getting the 40 most recent; other items are falling thru the cracks. Given the duplicates, that’s not so bad, but then there’s the items I do get. Filtering out the dupes I end up with about 30-35 stories. Of those, they’re almost always rebroadcasts from other feeds that I’ve read already.


This is the main reason why I don’t subscribe to Slashdot. Don’t get me wrong – I’ve got other reasons why I avoid /. but for the most part the 200+ comments on every post… waaaaay too much to read. Digg is at the same point, not only with the number of comments, but with having to sift through the same news that I’ve already read everyday. Too much work. I usually get skim through the top 10 stories before I mark the entire feed as read, just because it’s overkill.

So it’s out. I don’t see the need to keep it in the tree for just one or two stories a week. That’s fine for low traffic blogs, but with the amount of data Digg is putting out… it’s just not for me anymore.

Sorry Digg, but I can’t see you anymore – it’s not you… it’s me.

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