I think I’ve come to terms with the connection/hanging problems and wanted to get it out there so this got released quickly – this is the last bug to disappear before I kick both 1.3’s out the door. I’m hoping that these fixes take care of the hanging-while-posting bug and the missing-assembly-bug but there’s a trade off for it… on a PC download 1.3 Beta 5 here or read the FAQ. On a PIE, download the cab here: ARM.
What’s the trade off? The title text that changes to show status no longer changes under certain conditions. I took out the last two threads that Pocket #MT was using to offer multi-threading while posting. These were the same routines that #MT uses so either there’s a flaw when using the .NET Compact Framework and threads on the PPC or there’s another and different method to threading while using the PPC. Either way, I pulled the threads. I run with Pelmar’s WISBar and when that’s running I no longer see the “Posting…/Set Categories…/Rebuilding…” changes but I think that this was the only way to let Pocket #MT deal with errors that can occur during the upload. The UI was crashing when I reported an error in the thread and that’s that. When I turned off WISBar, the title still changed properly, so it’s a trade off. What ICBar or the original WISBar do with it I don’t know, but this works and I’m OK with that.
If you’ve had crashing/hanging/missing assembly issues with Beta 1-4, please download Beta 5 and tell me if the problems are still there — Thanks!
Download 1.3 Beta 5 (ZIP) or download the cab: ARM.