Review: Matrix Revolutions

Hm. [WARNING: Spoilers are now in the comments!]

Yep, that’s about it. Hm. After a two hour movie I find myself sorta having enjoyed it and sorta saying “Hm.” as a take-away. The special effects were incredible as expected. The subplots were much like The Matrix Reloaded: complete storylines unto themselves yet helping an overall story going. Blink away for a second, though, and you’ll miss something that will leave you lost for a moment or two. Yes, this – like the other Matrix movies – require you to follow along. Other than that, the characters were all strong and enjoyable – the one-liners were complimentary and not annoying.

Worth the $8 to go and see it? Yeah, I think so. The audio and visual experience is worth it; the fact that some IMAX theatres are running it should be the biggest sign of what to expect from it on a technological aspect.

As a side note, the pre-movie entertainment was worth a drive to Trumbull as well. Preview-wise, Tom Cruise is going to be The Last Samurai this December: Maverick learns sword play – yippie. The Return of the King had a trailer run that I hadn’t seen before – parts of it I have but not this particular one. There were a few others and a PSA from a stuntman on the evils of movie piracy. Yeah right – you charge $8/ticket and $8/foodstuffs at a theatre and you’re telling people that they should feel guilty about ripping off studios by copying movies… that’s like a person crying about being hungry, while carrying a ham, because he has no bread or a bank trying to justify extra fees from ATM transactions while saving money on human labor: you’re already making massive amounts of money from people – so go cry us a river another time.

Also, while I was sitting there waiting for the previews to start, a mouse scampered by. A cute one – not a rat – but I had to do a double take because I thought I was seeing things at first. But it was real and ducked away before I could even move to see where he was going or if he was the only one around…

Made me glad I skipped the popcorn for the matin馥, though, cute or not.

8 thoughts on “Review: Matrix Revolutions”

  1. Heh yeah, I came away with a similar feeling. I’m still undecided as to exactly how I felt about the movie as a whole. I did post a rather opinionated review on my blog (no real spoilers I don’t think), but I’ll have to put some more thought into my final “score” for Revolutions.

  2. Hi Randy! Thanks for your frequent comments! They always bring smiles to me. “The Matrix: Revolutions” opened here in Japan yesterday too and cast members Keanu Reeves and Jada Pinkett Smith have been in Tokyo doing promotional interviews. The fans in Japan are sooo into “The Matrix” that I think it’d be fun just to be in the same theater as all these Matrix cast lookalikes. Don’t know if I’d want to be in the same theater as a mouse though. You know Mickey’s probably got family and friends nearby! *eeks*

  3. Hmm, that does sums it up. I liked the movie thought the effects where awesome. But I am still wrapping my brain around it. I think I need to see it again.

  4. Basically, yeah. I can’t remember the last time a movie left me thinking about it more after having seen it than before. Return of the King is coming up but I already know what happens there – just dying to SEE it and see what they do with a couple of the scenes from the Appendices. But this left me going “??” on the way out the door.

    I’ll also state that given the screens in the air and rain, if anyone ever wanted to do a real life DragonBall or DBZ movie, it’s certainly possible – the chops are there.

    @Kim – Mickey’s fine by me, but I don’t think this one was kind enough to wear white gloves and skivvies… with mice in public I’m live and let live – only at home would I ever bother to bonk’m on the head and that hasn’t yet happened :)

  5. Matrix: Revolutions. Candy ass love story or ….

    I went to see Matrix: Revolutions last night. The ratings that this movie has been given by critics have ranged anywhere from bad to worse. However, being the type of person that I am, I like to see things…

  6. The movie has confused me more than it has give the answers to the previous unexplained facts.

    1. What Exactly happened to Oracle.

    2. It’s Understandable that the One is able to use his Super Powers in Matrix, But how can he do it in a real world unless the real world is also part of a Program of a Higher Level. And Infact whatever Neo & Group might b thinking a real world is a part of a Complex Program which has a subset of Matrix

    3.It seems That Each and every Person is havind a different world.- Remember the Trainman, Agent Smith in last. How does Neo Find himself in the world of Trainman at the first place.

    4. When Neo is able to move his ship above the clouds & see the sun, the machines will also b able to do it…….& use the Solar power…….So the basic of Matrix to use Humans for Energy, seems as an unnessary thing.

    5.What is the signifance of Indian Family in the trainman’s world?

    There are more unanswered que. than answered ones…..

  7. 1) She got rebooted.

    2) That’s the point: the real world is impacted by the Matrix and vice verse. Remember when someone dies in the Matrix, they die in the real world. For programs, the reverse should be true.

    3) A hiccup in the Matrix caused him to get separated from his body.

    4) Except that by this point, humans offer far more energy than solar power – see Matrix 1 – and anyway, I think there was a nuclear winter effect or something. I think the first one mentions it all.

    5) Not a fuckin clue. I think they were there to explain how programs can cross over and back again.

    Basically, you too have had the same net effect of this movie: Hm.

  8. matrix the movie is I think my best movie ever,and I think 4 many other people.It has a good plot and has a cult like following;based on it’s non realist philosophy of perception which has been sais some aspects of the movie has come truths like the thing about all of us being hardwired to some damn program developed by some mad genius supercomputer as is seen in the Animatrix”It shows us how it all began in the animated version of the matrix”.In real fact I think we all know that we are made of something more and that something or still voice we get in our life sometimes is not inside us but out of our bodies,when Adam and Eve sinned against God (for the 65% majority in the World that believe in the existense of a God,before Adam’S spirit dwelled in his body,but once he sinned his world loving soul took over and his spirit left him and hence has left all of Adam’s desendants;but still comes once in a while when we are really patient and in need of it’s advice through a ‘still small voice’,that has an answer to everything and is maybe an answer to why we sometimes dream future events in deja-vu.The thing is that what we really are cannot die our spirits cannot die,because God designed us to live forever;either in heaven or hell;ur choice bud,wherever you want to go.(I know I should be in one of those damn Matrix blogs that try and dissect Matrix the movie,online but I wanted 2 get that subtext aspect of the movie out there;coz if you think about it Matrix is more than a movie.)

    Anyway back to the serious, matrix the movie was one of my all time favourite movies;their second installment Matrix Reloaded was absolutely great!! except 4 one thing;One of the coolest thing about the first installment,’the bullet time’fight scenes where Neo and Morpheous fight and a scene is shown of bullet time where Neo almost strikes Morpheous in the dojo;where was that in the next two installments?I understand that the Wachowski Brothers were concerned that,that special effect was being replicated in many later movies,that made fun of the Matrix but they shouldn’t have let it get into their heads.

    The bullet time was one of the best aspects,but anywayz It’s one of the best trlogies out there and ever to be.

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