To USB or Not To USB

The Escapist: Microsoft’s addition of USB drive support to the Xbox 360 is evidently another way for the giant to make a couple more bucks.

Will someone tell these people that Microsoft isn’t making the USB drive that people are complaining about here? SanDisk is making it. And while you’re at it, can you tell the people in the comments, that are overreacting to pricing, that SanDisk also makes an “SD Card for the Wii,” which is also inflated in price? That there’s no grand 360 conspiracy here?

My guess is that SanDisk will take the time to brand, configure, and test their products with the consoles they are selling them for. Last I looked, Major Nelson said you can plug in “a USB stick up to 16GB” – meaning one branded or not – the same way you have the option of using SD with the Wii. Of course, as with all things storage – be it USB, SDD, or HDD – there’s always quirks with these devices that could involve quality, speed or even reported size… the branded products should take away any of doubt that you are getting what you paid for.

I would say the same is true of PS3 and USB sticks, but I haven’t had a reason to use removable storage from mine – still looking for a game that forces me to pop out the Blu-ray disc that’s in it.

7 thoughts on “To USB or Not To USB”

  1. To USB! The thing is being anticipated by a whole lot of people, people who have used their total sixteen GB of space that is already provided on the built-in Xbox 360 support when you purchase it. That includes me by the way. :)

  2. The way MS will make money off this is through DLC. People that have arcade boxes, and not enough room for DLC will now have a place to store it, and thus probably buy it. They stand to make a lot more money that way then by selling over priced hard drive. motivation aside, i think its great.

  3. Uh, you mean game developers – Microsoft doesn’t code all of the games on XBLA – far than most, even. Microsoft just supplies the store front and download plumbing.

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