That Cooking Smell…

BetaNews: iOS 9.3 is more stable than Android 6.0 Marshmallow


I hate articles like this. Especially because I can’t tell if it was written as click bait or if it’s just a cooked-data fanboy piece or because they just don’t understand Testing and Quality.

Sadly, I think it’s a strong statement on the author’s ignorance of Quality. Sure, they have charts and numbers and are pointing fingers, but they’re missing the point: not all bugs are created equal. Some bugs are edge cases. Some bugs are rough patches of code. Some bugs block a critical mainstream use cases. Some bugs crash the app and/or device. Can you guess which one is more important or which has the biggest impact, which thereby lowers the Quality of the product?

Here’s a Quality test: if you run Marshmallow run long enough, an application crashes, which forces its crash rate to increase. If you run iOS 9.3, you may or may not be able to successfully click on a hyperlink in any application, but there’s no crash.

Technically, sure, iOS 9.3 is more stable. However, who gives a shit about stability when the damned OS blocks a mainline, mainstream scenario?! Really?!

Honestly, it’s saying that the most stable car you can drive is one without an engine.

I really, really hope this cooked bit of data was for fanboys and click bait.

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