Time For Change?

Ya know this really pissed me off. I’ve had the same email address for just about ten years now. No, really: ten years – it’s easy to do when you own the domain… anyway, as Spam has gotten worse over the years, my ISP/Hosting companies have taken steps to filter out Spam. So have mail clients, first through add-ons, and then as part of the actual product, in the case of Outlook. It’s worked pretty well, in all honesty, and I’ve been able to survive.

The good news from all of this is that I haven’t had to send a “here’s my new email address” email in a decade. Hell, most people didn’t even know what email was, by the time I had my first address, so hurrah for me and my longevity. The bad news from this is that I’m getting Spam from myself, offering cheap Microsoft product and free alternatives to viagra.

That’s just wrong – might be time to change my [personal] email address, after all.

6 thoughts on “Time For Change?”

  1. Other people almost certainly are *not* receiving spam from you. It’s a standard spammer tactic: send mail to an account and send it *from* the same account, hoping to get around it.

    I have my own domain as you do. Both my wife and I use it. The spammers are a bit tricky: they send me mail using her address, and send her mail using my address. Sometimes they send us mail that is also *to* both of our accounts.

    It doesn’t mean other people outside your domain are receiving spam in your name, though.

  2. Well THAT would certainly be interesting… I mean I went a long while before I got spam from myself and when I first got about 1/2 year ago I looked through the routing block, found the offending domain and screamed bloody murder at them. Made me a lil happier, but then I didn’t see any for a while. This was a bunch in the same session from different “people” and it irked me, obviously… the last thing I need is my domain to get black listed :)

  3. I love it when I get an e-mail from the “webmaster” at my domain, given that there (a) is no such account, and (b) *I* am the webmaster.

    That said, I simply will not give in to those who would drive me from my domain with their junk mail.

  4. Oh my major concern would be that *I’M* sending out spam to ppl. That’s happened at a couple of places I worked in the past and the next thing I knew my own emails started bouncing b/c we were black listed… that would just suck (and that would be time to change domains!)

  5. Is there anyway to use SharpKeys to show the British Pound sign?

    I tried to reassign $ to GBP by pressing alt-shift-ctr-4 (on us int. keyboard) and got E0_1F05 but sharpkeys “don’t know about this key”

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