SharpMT 3.2.1 Redux

No change to the application this go around, but I’ve made a few tweaks for running SharpMT on Windows Vista Beta 2.

Vista Users – Download SharpMT: MSI | EXE

There were two problems that were occurring when running SharpMT on Vista both of which stem from the new Limited User Account that imposed on all users. One was out of my control: the OCX that I use for spell checking required Administrator level rights when it was registering itself. The other was being caused by some of the file association items that I do in the registry, at run time: basically, I was checking to make sure that files with a .SMT extension had an action for opening such files.

What’s interesting about this is that these two checks are one time things. I did some work over a year ago to get SharpMT to run with a limited user account on Windows XP and Windows 2003… I really didn’t want to make SharpMT an “administrator only” application for Vista – that just felt dumb to me.

Since these items were both “one time” checks, I figured it was time for some installer work: hence the Redux edition of SharpMT.

There’s no product changes in this release – there are just install changes. And those changes will only make a difference for Vista users. As part of the installation changes, I now force the spell checking OCX to register itself as part of the installation and I also add a bunch of registry keys rather than leaving it to the application to do, even if I’m not keen on that. I mean, it works but I’d much rather have an application deal with registry keys than have it rely on the installation, but I’ve got little choice in this case… I haven’t found a way to force the app to request write permission on the registry without asking for permissions for the whole app at all times. As more information on Vista’s LUA support bubbles up – and as Vista rolls on to release – I’ll keep looking into it, but for now it’s OK.

Having said that, the updated MSI and EXE files are available. If you don’t feel like downloading the new installs and you’re already running Vista, run SharpMT one time as administrator: this will set up the registry with the proper settings and SharpMT will run fine as a LUA after that.

Download SharpMT: MSI | EXE

View SharpMT FAQ: FAQ

Download: .NET Framework, version 2.0 (required to run SharpMT 3.2.1)

3 thoughts on “SharpMT 3.2.1 Redux”

  1. After finding that w.bloggar died a horrible death, I poked around to find a copy to archive for future use, and discovered your tool… I like it, quite a lot.

    The one thing I prefer about w.bloggar (it’s a pretty big deal though) is the ability to load posts from the blog directly, rather than local files… so I can install w.bloggar on 5 computers all over the place, and whenever I sit down I can write a post, and then edit it later from any of those computers from the original file…

    other than that… wow. Nice work :)

  2. Thanks :)

    For this you’ll want to look for Blog Links under the Window menu. When this started I thought it would be neat to keep a running list of existing blog entries for cross linking while offline… as the product grew, people requested in-product editing of existing posts, so I just added it onto that functionality. There’s also a right click menu option for editing in the products’ web pages as well!

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