ok. Ok. Ok. OK. OK! OK!!! OKOKOKOKOKOK!!!1!11!

I’m not wearing denim shorts anymore. Except on laundry day and even then, those will be cargo styled.


What brought this about has nothing to specifically do with a certain Gamerchix. And while she might be right in this one specific instance, it’s a much larger discover than anything she’s pointed out. In fact, it’s a combination of two different things.

Thing one is an observation from the weekend which was a pretty simple thing to notice, if viewed in the proper context. Just a random guy I happened to notice in passing. Reading a Dungeons and Dragons book while eating in a restaurant. Wearing a fanny-pack with what looked like a cassette Walkman in tow. Tall white socks with black shoes. Trucker hat that looked decidedly non-retro. And yes, jean shorts, like lil mini-505’s – not just shorts make of denim, with a too-tight t-shirt tucked into them. Missing items included Velcro-based sneakers and a Members-Only jacket over the chair, but even so, the whole ensemble was right there. And ya can’t look away from it, the same way you can’t gawk at a car wreck on the side of the road.

Thing two is just as simple as number one: Ricky Bobby as a pizza delivery boy. ’nuff said.


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