Two Blind Mice “2020 Democrats step up attacks to blunt Bloomberg’s rise […] Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden took the lead in attacking Bloomberg. Biden, the former vice president, said on ABC’s “The View” that “I don’t think you can buy an election,” while Warren took Bloomberg to task for his 2008 comments that ending a discriminatory housing practice helped trigger the economic meltdown.”

This might be the best political news I’ve heard all week. Both of the “front runners” having a gut check moment after the [useless] Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary – and learning that they might not be ahead of the game – attacking the most reasonable and rational candidate in the pack. Yet, Joe’s comment is either striving for innocence or I don’t know what – it ends up making him look naïve or at the worst, ignorant. Even if we aren’t talking about the millions people spend on campaigns, there’s other payments besides cash. And I don’t know what’s worse with Warren’s comments: that she’s pulling up a set of comments 2008 – especially after watching a person get elected in the same year that he claimed to grab women like a six pack – or that she’s claiming Bloomberg helped trigger a multi-national economic debacle. A debacle that too over a decade to stage and had little impact to the city that Bloomberg was mayor of.

Two blind mice, looking in a dark room, for a black cat that left the house an hour ago.

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