Tag Archives: RSS Blows

Feed Issues

I’ve had enough of supporting multiple feed types, so I’ve said “screw it”. I mean I had 0.91 as index.xml, 1.0 as index.rdf, 2.0 as index2.rdf, and ATOM as… I don’t know what ATOM is because I haven’t publicized it. I think it’s atom.xml.

To subscribe to this blog via RSS, please use this link: https://www.randyrants.com/index.xml in the future.

I’ve also left out the old files with “stubs” telling you where to find the new link, but it’s hard to say how well that will get picked up by Feed services: right now, NewsGator is only offering me really old articles via index.xml so it could take a few days for it to properly pick up all the changes…
