A Minute Late, A Dollar Short

What a collection of miscues today… but at least I found a good home for another Wii.

I work up early enough, but didn’t get outta bed right away… next thing I know it’s like 9:30. Oops.

Should I go food shopping this week? Or should I go play poker up at the local card room? Well, seeing as I still owed a tip to one of the dealers there… a couple of weeks ago I landed fourth in a 30 person tourney – and left without leaving a tip. Got used to too many home games I guess. Drive up to the card room: no tournament for regular players today! They were doing a free roll tournament… which is funded from the tournaments I play in. And since I don’t play cash games there, I don’t qualify.

Alrighty. At least I was able to pay the tip.

Stopped by Target – Wii’s all over the place, so I picked one up for the ‘goat. This brings the total number of Wii’s that I’ve found to six, four of which was before Christmas. I should turn that into a business…

Came home. My fish is nearly dead. Doesn’t swim around the bowl anymore. Doesn’t leave bubbles any more. Hangs around the rocks, in a vertical position. Dunno what to do about that yet, but I anticipate some flushing in the not to far future.

Decided to go to the gym. Got a great parking place. Fastest workout evar: packed two shirts instead of a pair of shorts and a shirt.

Moving on to homework… gotta write a particle system for my Games Programming class… um. At least I can spell particle. So I can have a proper Particle and ParticleSystem class structure. Aside from that, I dunno where to start.

I should just go to bed now and call it an early weekend. *g*

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