Tag Archives: Vista

Vista Tip: Dragging URL Shortcuts From Address Bar To Desktop

This is really just a repeat of the permissions issue I had a while back when I relocated Documents, Desktop, Downloads, and Temp, but it’s worth repeating: after scouring the interwebs for help on this I’ve realized that most people don’t know about the fix…

And what happens if you only reset the permissions on three out of the four directories in question after installing Vista on a new machine…
Continue reading Vista Tip: Dragging URL Shortcuts From Address Bar To Desktop

Vista Tip: Elevated Command Prompt Here

One of the things that irks me is I’m trying to do stuff in a deeply buried directory in Explorer and the realize that I want to do something Command Prompt related. You get all the way down to where you want to be and say “uwaaaah!” because you realize that you now have to type that long path into a command window. Sure you could copy the path from the directory bar and paste in the command window, but, well, that’s a bunch of steps I don’t feel like dealing with.

In Vista, there’s an addition challenge because you might want a Command Prompt with Elevated permissions.

Below you’ll find a set of Registry settings that will enable a “Command Prompt here” and “Elevated Command Prompt here” menu item when you right click on a drive or directory in Explorer, including the Start Menu Vista Button.
Continue reading Vista Tip: Elevated Command Prompt Here

Memory Loss

I had a bunch of stuff to write… total memory gap. What’s more is that I was no where near a running instance of notepad or a piece of paper when I was thinking… *shrug* Lost or delayed, does it really matter?

In other news, has anyone else noticed that Vista ships tomorrow night at midnight? And I mean that in a good way – being this close to our Main Campus is like being at the epicenter: I’m wondering if there’s a similar level of excitment in other parts of the country.

Is anyone going to a Best Buy or CompUSA? I’ve seen the list of swag – I’ll probably go.

I’m also amused to see the new Office SKU’s running around store flyers. Over the holidays I heard “Get the Student/Teacher version – it’s the same [as Professional] and much cheaper!” from three stores in two states. The SKU’s change in 2007 – Office Max had a good chart of what comes in each SKU. Of interest was: Edu comes with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote but no Outlook – Standard comes with the same but with Outlook and no OneNote. There’s also an Ultimate SKU I had overlooked that comes with is the only other SKU to come with OneNote… shame, too because OneNote rules.

Ah well… should be an exciting week on many levels!