SharpMT 2.2 – Beta 4 (Release Candidate 1)

A friend of mine could be quoted as summing up a feature list of a 1.1 follow-up release to a 1.0 offering as “Now with error checking”. In the spirit of such a comment, I am happy to present to you 2.2 Beta 4: now with a help system.

Or quite possibly a help system in need of help! I didn’t change much to the application for this release – which is also why I consider this to be a Release Candidate (I think the feature list is frozen) – and really only had a menu-related change to the code. F1 now opens the help file; Ctrl+F1 opens the FAQ (which continues to be updated).

With regards to the help system, I believe all of the inner-document links are fine – the off-site links accidentally open in the same window (I’ve already fixed that here and it will be in the next release). The grammar is bound to have many, many issues; I’ve only proofread it one time through, which usually means it only “remotely resembles” English. I did write most of it in SharpMT, so at least the spelling should be OK and the characters all normal (no funky Word replacements). However, this is at least the “shell of a help system” is represented now. I’ll be sure to re-read it all before releasing the next version. One thing I’ve avoided, and plan to avoid going forward, are screen shots – they are painful to keep up to date with future versions… keeping the features and text will be painful enough.

Two things that I will point out, as I think they could be useful to even the original users of SharpMT, are the list of Shortcuts and the list of available fields. I’ve gotten a few emails and comments about information that has been in the application for a very long while, but have gone unnoticed – this should help to bring it into the main stream.

Download: SharpMT 2.2 Beta 4

Read: SharpMT FAQ

Screenshots: 1 | 2 | 3

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